NotepadUltra/Notepad Ultra/Theme Editor.vb

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2019-04-20 16:29:16 +00:00
Public Class Customise_Colours
Dim OldTheme, CurrentTheme, PreSaveNiteTheme, PreSaveStandardTheme, PreSaveTertiaryTheme As Theme
Dim unappliedchanges, unsaved As Boolean
Dim SaveWarningThemeName As String
'WARNING: this code isn't pretty...
Public Property unapplied() As String
Return unappliedchanges
End Get
Private Set(ByVal value As String)
unappliedchanges = value
InnerCancelButton.Enabled = unappliedchanges
ApplyButton.Enabled = unappliedchanges
SaveButton.Enabled = Not unappliedchanges
End Set
End Property
Private Sub Customise_Colours_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Icon = ProgramIcon()
PreSaveStandardTheme = ReturnThemeSettingsAsThemeObject(0)
PreSaveNiteTheme = ReturnThemeSettingsAsThemeObject(1)
PreSaveTertiaryTheme = ReturnThemeSettingsAsThemeObject(2)
NotificationCategorySelector.SelectedIndex = 2
ThemeSelector.SelectedIndex = 0 'todo: maybe change to reflect current theme?
End Sub
Private Sub ComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ThemeSelector.SelectedIndexChanged
If unsaved = True Then
If MsgBox("Apply changes before switching?", MsgBoxStyle.Question Or MsgBoxStyle.YesNo) = MsgBoxResult.Yes Then
Select Case SaveWarningThemeName
Case "Standard"
PreSaveStandardTheme = CurrentTheme
Case "Nite"
PreSaveNiteTheme = CurrentTheme
Case "Tertiary"
PreSaveTertiaryTheme = CurrentTheme
End Select
End If
End If
SaveWarningThemeName = ThemeSelector.SelectedItem.ToString.Replace("Night", "Nite")
unapplied = False
End Sub
Private Sub LoadTheme()
Dim themeName As String = ThemeSelector.SelectedItem.ToString.Replace("Night", "Nite")
Select Case themeName
Case "Standard"
CurrentTheme = PreSaveStandardTheme
Case "Nite"
CurrentTheme = PreSaveNiteTheme
Case "Tertiary"
CurrentTheme = PreSaveTertiaryTheme
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub ThemeAppliedHideTimer_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ThemeAppliedHideTimer.Tick
ThemeApplied.Visible = False
End Sub
Private Sub PreviewCurrentTheme() Handles NotificationCategorySelector.SelectedIndexChanged
MockFilePicker.ForeColor = CurrentTheme.SidebarFG
MockFilePicker.BackColor = CurrentTheme.SidebarBG
MockStatusBar.ForeColor = CurrentTheme.StatusBarFG
MockStatusBar.BackColor = CurrentTheme.StatusBarBG
MockTextBox.ForeColor = CurrentTheme.TextBoxFG
MockTextBox.BackColor = CurrentTheme.TextBoxBG
Dim category As String = NotificationCategorySelector.SelectedItem.ToString
MockNotification.ForeColor = CallByName(CurrentTheme, "Notification" & category & "FG", CallType.Get)
MockNotification.BackColor = CallByName(CurrentTheme, "Notification" & category & "BG", CallType.Get)
End Sub
Private Sub SetNewColour(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles NotificationBGButton.Click, TextBoxBGButton.Click, SidebarBGButton.Click, SidebarFGButton.Click, StatusBarFGButton.Click, StatusBarBGButton.Click, NotificationFGButton.Click, TextBoxFGButton.Click
Dim Clicked As String ="Notification", "Notification" & NotificationCategorySelector.SelectedItem.ToString)
ColourPicker.Color = CallByName(CurrentTheme, Clicked, CallType.Get)
If ColourPicker.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
CallByName(CurrentTheme, Clicked, CallType.Set, ColourPicker.Color) 'TODO: why doesn't this work? >:c
unapplied = True
unsaved = True
ShittyThemeSetWorkaround(Clicked, ColourPicker.Color)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Button5_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles InnerCancelButton.Click
If MsgBox("Undo changes made and reload theme from settings?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo) = MsgBoxResult.Yes Then
unapplied = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Button13_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button13.Click, Button12.Click
MsgBox("Not yet supported, sorry :c")
End Sub
Private Sub Button8_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button8.Click
'TODO: Restore defaults
'Also, right clicking on a button should reset that thing to its default
If MsgBox("Load the default colours for this theme?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo) = MsgBoxResult.Yes Then
Select Case ThemeSelector.SelectedIndex
Case 0
CurrentTheme = defaultStandardTheme
Case 1
CurrentTheme = defaultNightTheme
Case 2
CurrentTheme = defaultTertiaryTheme
Case Else
CurrentTheme = defaultStandardTheme
End Select
unsaved = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ResetCategoryToDefaults(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles NotificationAllDefaultButton.Click, NotificationCurrentDefaultButton.Click, StatusBarDefaultButton.Click, SidebarDefaultButton.Click, TextBoxDefaultButton.Click 'TODO: replace with a bunch of CallByNames?
If MsgBox("Restore the default colours for this category to their defaults?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo) = MsgBoxResult.Yes Then
Dim Clicked As String =
Select Case Clicked
Case "NotificationAll]"
CurrentTheme.NotificationCriticalBG = SelectedThemeDefaults.NotificationCriticalBG
CurrentTheme.NotificationCriticalFG = SelectedThemeDefaults.NotificationCriticalBG
CurrentTheme.NotificationWarningBG = SelectedThemeDefaults.NotificationCriticalBG
CurrentTheme.NotificationWarningFG = SelectedThemeDefaults.NotificationCriticalBG
CurrentTheme.NotificationInfoBG = SelectedThemeDefaults.NotificationCriticalBG
CurrentTheme.NotificationInfoFG = SelectedThemeDefaults.NotificationCriticalBG
Case "NotificationCurrent"
Dim category As String = NotificationCategorySelector.SelectedItem.ToString
CallByName(CurrentTheme, "Notification" & category & "FG", CallType.Set, CallByName(SelectedThemeDefaults, "Notification" & category & "FG", CallType.Get))
CallByName(CurrentTheme, "Notification" & category & "BG", CallType.Set, CallByName(SelectedThemeDefaults, "Notification" & category & "BG", CallType.Get))
Case "StatusBar"
CurrentTheme.StatusBarBG = SelectedThemeDefaults.StatusBarBG
CurrentTheme.StatusBarFG = SelectedThemeDefaults.StatusBarFG
Case "TextBox"
CurrentTheme.TextBoxBG = SelectedThemeDefaults.TextBoxBG
CurrentTheme.TextBoxFG = SelectedThemeDefaults.TextBoxFG
Case "Sidebar"
CurrentTheme.SidebarFG = SelectedThemeDefaults.SidebarFG
CurrentTheme.SidebarBG = SelectedThemeDefaults.SidebarBG
End Select
unsaved = True
End If
End Sub
Public Function SelectedThemeDefaults() As Theme
Select Case ThemeSelector.SelectedIndex
Case 0
Return defaultStandardTheme
Case 1
Return defaultNightTheme
Case 2
Return defaultTertiaryTheme
Case Else
Return defaultStandardTheme
End Select
End Function
Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
If MsgBox("Update sidebar colours to match editor colours?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo) = MsgBoxResult.Yes Then
CurrentTheme.SidebarBG = CurrentTheme.TextBoxBG
CurrentTheme.SidebarFG = CurrentTheme.TextBoxFG
End If
unsaved = True
End Sub
Private Sub Button3_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
If MsgBox("Update editor colours to match sidebar colours?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo) = MsgBoxResult.Yes Then
CurrentTheme.TextBoxBG = CurrentTheme.SidebarBG
CurrentTheme.TextBoxFG = CurrentTheme.SidebarFG
End If
unsaved = True
End Sub
Private Sub Button11_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles SaveButton.Click
Dim themeName() As String = {"Standard", "Nite", "Tertiary"}
For i = 0 To 2
CallByName(My.Settings, themeName(i) & "NotifyColourCritical", CallType.Set, CallByName(GetPreSaveTheme(i), "NotificationCriticalBG", CallType.Get))
CallByName(My.Settings, themeName(i) & "NotifyColourWarning", CallType.Set, CallByName(GetPreSaveTheme(i), "NotificationWarningBG", CallType.Get))
CallByName(My.Settings, themeName(i) & "NotifyColourInfo", CallType.Set, CallByName(GetPreSaveTheme(i), "NotificationInfoBG", CallType.Get))
CallByName(My.Settings, themeName(i) & "NotifyTextColourCritical", CallType.Set, CallByName(GetPreSaveTheme(i), "NotificationCriticalFG", CallType.Get))
CallByName(My.Settings, themeName(i) & "NotifyTextColourWarning", CallType.Set, CallByName(GetPreSaveTheme(i), "NotificationWarningFG", CallType.Get))
CallByName(My.Settings, themeName(i) & "NotifyTextColourInfo", CallType.Set, CallByName(GetPreSaveTheme(i), "NotificationInfoFG", CallType.Get))
CallByName(My.Settings, themeName(i) & "SidebarFG", CallType.Set, CallByName(GetPreSaveTheme(i), "SidebarFG", CallType.Get))
CallByName(My.Settings, themeName(i) & "SidebarBG", CallType.Set, CallByName(GetPreSaveTheme(i), "SidebarBG", CallType.Get))
CallByName(My.Settings, themeName(i) & "StatFG", CallType.Set, CallByName(GetPreSaveTheme(i), "StatusBarFG", CallType.Get))
CallByName(My.Settings, themeName(i) & "StatBG", CallType.Set, CallByName(GetPreSaveTheme(i), "StatusBarBG", CallType.Get))
CallByName(My.Settings, themeName(i) & "TextFG", CallType.Set, CallByName(GetPreSaveTheme(i), "TextBoxFG", CallType.Get))
CallByName(My.Settings, themeName(i) & "TextBG", CallType.Set, CallByName(GetPreSaveTheme(i), "TextBoxBG", CallType.Get))
End Sub
Function GetPreSaveTheme(themeType As Integer)
Select Case themeType
Case 0
Return PreSaveStandardTheme
Case 1
Return PreSaveNiteTheme
Case 2
Return PreSaveTertiaryTheme
Case Else
Return PreSaveStandardTheme
End Select
End Function
Private Sub Button9_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ApplyButton.Click
Dim themeName As String = ThemeSelector.SelectedItem.ToString
Select Case themeName
Case "Standard"
PreSaveStandardTheme = CurrentTheme
Case "Night"
PreSaveNiteTheme = CurrentTheme
Case "Tertiary"
PreSaveTertiaryTheme = CurrentTheme
End Select
unapplied = False
End Sub
Public Sub ShittyThemeSetWorkaround(Name, Colour) 'upside to using non-american english in a programming language written in american english: calling the variable "color" would've fucked things up, because you can't redefine the built in class! ;p
'If CallByName(currentTheme, Name, CallType.Get) = Colour Then MsgBox("It actually worked")
Select Case Name
Case "NotificationInfoBG"
CurrentTheme.NotificationInfoBG = Colour
Case "NotificationInfoFG"
CurrentTheme.NotificationInfoFG = Colour
Case "NotificationWarningBG"
CurrentTheme.NotificationWarningBG = Colour
Case "NotificationWarningFG"
CurrentTheme.NotificationWarningFG = Colour
Case "NotificationCriticalBG"
CurrentTheme.NotificationCriticalBG = Colour
Case "NotificationCriticalFG"
CurrentTheme.NotificationCriticalFG = Colour
Case "TextBoxBG"
CurrentTheme.TextBoxBG = Colour
Case "TextBoxFG"
CurrentTheme.TextBoxFG = Colour
Case "SidebarBG"
CurrentTheme.SidebarBG = Colour
Case "SidebarFG"
CurrentTheme.SidebarFG = Colour
Case "StatusBarBG"
CurrentTheme.StatusBarBG = Colour
Case "StatusBarFG"
CurrentTheme.StatusBarFG = Colour
End Select
End Sub
Public Sub showThemeAppliedMessage()
ThemeApplied.Visible = True
End Sub
End Class