Module Changelog 'CHANGELOG 'Alpha 0.1: Initial version. Open, save, delete. 'Alpha 0.2 ' Support for displaying directories ' Rudimentary encoding support ' Scaling fixes 'Alpha 0.3 ' Complete (I think) encoding support ' Full directory support! ' UI enhancements ' Started working on settings 'Alpha 0.4 (The big one) ' Fixed numerous bugs related To file deletion (both internal And external) ' Made Save As open the saved file after saving ' Made "Change font size" options work ' Added shortcuts for deleting files and for refreshing the file picker ' Made font-change shortcuts work ' "Couldn't detect encoding" message boxes have been replaced with a much less obtrusive warning in the bottom-left ' Changed Save As from Ctrl-Alt-S to Ctrl-Shift-S (because Ctrl-Alt-S opens a System Information dialogue on my Spectre) ' Fixed issue where filepicker without scrollbar caused text to overflow from window ' Fixed issue where deleting a file, or opening a new directory, followed by clicking on blank space in the file picker, would cause a crash ' Added insert time/date functionality 'Alpha 0.5 (When things got *really* serious) ' Settings dialogue reads settings, but can't write them yet (It's 0049 and I'm tired) ' Cleaned up changelog ;p ' Added supported for 3 tiers of notifications ' Changed font size changing mechanics, and made it into a dropdown instead of a split button ' Moved notifications to the right-hand side, because avoiding text jumping around is more important than making sure they're visible in narrow windows (I think) ' Added a FIFO queue for notifications! ' Fixed an issue where the filepicker would be much too wide on low DPI screens ' Added first settings tooltip ' Created a form for theme customisation ' Added file size and creation date info to the file info dialogue 'Alpha 0.6 ' (Partial) THEME SUPPORT! So far, saving is not supported. Themes can be edited, but not saved. ' Added a form to change supported file extensions ' Added support for extensions other than txt ' Replaced night mode toggle with support for 3 customisable themes ' Added a directory watch feature. If any files in the base directory are deleted/renamed/created, the filepicker will automatically refresh. ' Fixed some rather nasty bugs related to the directory watcher ' Implemented a Find feature. However, when the textbox has been scrolled to the bottom, each click of the "next" button causes it to jump one line up or down. 'Alpha 0.7 ' Themes are now saved and remembered between sessions! ' Fixed a possible bug where changing directories would not update the directory watcher ' All options in the settings menu now have tooltips ' Settings now save ' (Very) small speed optimisations ' HUGE speed increase to saving, restoring it to Alpha 0.5 speed. The directory watcher refreshed the file list over and over again while saving, and saving could take anywhere up to three seconds! ' Added a warning that displays if you try to exit or change file without saving your changes 'Alpha 0.8 ' Fixed an issue where using UNC paths would break upon going up a level 'TODO: ' Bullet points ' Undo ' Replace ' Make right-click on sidebar change file ' Make right-click menu on sidebar actually do stuff ' Status Bar options (Whether or not to show or hide certain things. Notifications CAN NOT BE DISABLED. They're really important!) ' Show ellipses if name in filepicker is too long? ' Make it so that you can't use NPU while any settings dialogues are open ' Resizeable sidebar? ' Export/Import themes ' Put "Go Up" in filepicker ' Default themes ' Right click to restore defaults for theme options End Module