Public Class FindReplace Dim StartBounds, EndBounds As Integer Dim FindOptions As RichTextBoxFinds Public Property npu As NPUWindow Private Sub HighlightAllButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles HighlightAllButton.Click 'StartBounds = 0 'EndBounds = npu.TextFileHolder.TextLength Dim LastFound As Integer = 0 Try While True npu.TextFileHolder.[Select](npu.TextFileHolder.Find(FindMe.Text, LastFound, npu.TextFileHolder.TextLength, RichTextBoxFinds.None), FindMe.Text.Length) npu.TextFileHolder.SelectionFont = New Font(npu.TextFileHolder.Font, FontStyle.Bold) npu.TextFileHolder.SelectionBackColor = Color.Yellow LastFound = npu.TextFileHolder.Find(FindMe.Text, LastFound, npu.TextFileHolder.TextLength, RichTextBoxFinds.None) + 1 End While Catch ex As Exception Dim FindMeCountable As String() = New String(0) {FindMe.Text.ToLower} FindStatus.Text = ("Found " & npu.TextFileHolder.Text.ToString.ToLower.Split(FindMeCountable, StringSplitOptions.None).Length - 1 & " results").Replace("1 results", "1 result") End Try End Sub Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ViewNextButton.Click 'this code shares a lot with find.vb. in fact it pretty much IS just the find code from find.vb If EndBounds = 0 Then EndBounds = npu.TextFileHolder.TextLength If ForwardsRadio.Checked Then FindOptions = RichTextBoxFinds.None Or GetFindSettings() StartBounds += 1 EndBounds = npu.TextFileHolder.TextLength Else FindOptions = RichTextBoxFinds.Reverse Or GetFindSettings() StartBounds = 0 EndBounds -= 1 End If FindStatus.Text = ("Found " & CountFindMeAppearances() & " results").Replace("1 results", "1 result") ResetFormatting() If FindStatus.Text = "Found 0 results" Then Beep() Else Dim findResult As Integer = npu.TextFileHolder.Find(FindMe.Text, StartBounds, EndBounds, FindOptions) If findResult = -1 Then FindStatus.Text = "Reached last instance, looping" StartBounds = 0 EndBounds = npu.TextFileHolder.TextLength End If npu.TextFileHolder.[Select](npu.TextFileHolder.Find(FindMe.Text, StartBounds, EndBounds, FindOptions), FindMe.Text.Length) npu.TextFileHolder.SelectionFont = New Font(npu.TextFileHolder.Font, FontStyle.Bold) npu.TextFileHolder.SelectionBackColor = Color.Yellow If StartBounds < 0 Then StartBounds = 0 If EndBounds < 0 Then EndBounds = npu.TextFileHolder.TextLength StartBounds = npu.TextFileHolder.Find(FindMe.Text, StartBounds, EndBounds, FindOptions) EndBounds = npu.TextFileHolder.Find(FindMe.Text, StartBounds, EndBounds, FindOptions) + FindMe.Text.Length npu.TextFileHolder.SelectionStart = StartBounds If = "PreviousButton" Then npu.TextFileHolder.SelectionStart = EndBounds npu.TextFileHolder.ScrollToCaret() 'TODO: Fix jumpiness End If End Sub Public Sub ResetFormatting() Handles Me.Closed npu.TextFileHolder.[Select](0, npu.TextFileHolder.TextLength) npu.TextFileHolder.SelectionFont = New Font(npu.TextFileHolder.Font, FontStyle.Regular) npu.TextFileHolder.SelectionBackColor = npu.TextFileHolder.BackColor npu.TextFileHolder.Select(0, 0) End Sub Private Function GetFindSettings() Return 0 + (4 * Math.Abs(CInt(MatchCaseCheckBox.Checked))) + (2 * Math.Abs(CInt(WholeWordCheckBox.Checked))) End Function Private Sub ReplaceOnceButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ReplaceOnceButton.Click If npu.TextFileHolder.SelectedText <> FindMe.Text Then ViewNextButton.PerformClick() '~u0 If FindStatus.Text <> "Found 0 results" Then npu.TextFileHolder.SelectedText = ReplaceWithMe.Text ViewNextButton.PerformClick() End Sub Private Sub ReplaceAllButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ReplaceAllButton.Click npu.TextFileHolder.Text = npu.TextFileHolder.Text.Replace(FindMe.Text, ReplaceWithMe.Text) 'TODO: make it work better than this ResetFormatting() End Sub Public Function CountFindMeAppearances() Dim FindMeCountable As String() = New String(0) {FindMe.Text.ToLower} Select Case GetFindSettings() Case 0 Return npu.TextFileHolder.Text.ToString.ToLower.Split(FindMeCountable, StringSplitOptions.None).Length - 1 Case 2 'WHOLE WORD Return CountWholeWordFindMeAppearances(FindMe.Text, FindOptions, False) Case 4 'MATCH CASE FindMeCountable = New String(0) {FindMe.Text} Return npu.TextFileHolder.Text.ToString.Split(FindMeCountable, StringSplitOptions.None).Length - 1 Case 6 'ALL OPTIONS Return CountWholeWordFindMeAppearances(FindMe.Text, FindOptions, True) Case Else Return npu.TextFileHolder.Text.ToString.ToLower.Split(FindMeCountable, StringSplitOptions.None).Length - 1 End Select End Function End Class