Public Class Open_Passed_File Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles SetDirectoryButton.Click, CopyButton.Click, MoveButton.Click If Not My.Settings.SupportedExtensions.Contains(GetFileExtension(FileToOpen)) Then My.Settings.SupportedExtensions.Add(GetFileExtension(FileToOpen)) My.Settings.Save() End If Dim FileToOpenPath As String = GetPath(FileToOpen) Dim FileToOpenFile As String = GetFile(FileToOpen) 'MsgBox(FileToOpenPath & vbNewLine & FileToOpenFile) Select Case Case "SetDirectory" Label1.Visible = True TopMost = False Splash_Screen.Show() Hide() Splash_Screen.Activate() My.Settings.WorkingDirectory = FileToOpenPath My.Settings.Save() If RememberCheckbox.Checked Then My.Settings.DefaultFileAction = 1 Case "Copy", "Move" Dim response As String = FileToOpenFile 'MsgBox(My.Settings.WorkingDirectory & FileToOpenFile) While My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(My.Settings.WorkingDirectory & FileToOpenFile) response = InputBox("A file with the name """ & FileToOpenFile & """already exists in your base directory (" & My.Settings.WorkingDirectory & "). Please enter a new name for the file.") If Not ValidFileName(response, True) Then MsgBox("Invalid filename!") Else If Not response.Contains(".") Then response &= ".txt" Dim ValidExt As Boolean = False For i = 0 To My.Settings.SupportedExtensions.Count - 1 If response.Split(".")(response.Split(".").Length - 1) = My.Settings.SupportedExtensions(i) Then ValidExt = True Next If ValidExt Then FileToOpenFile = response Else MsgBox("Unrecognised file extension! Try using "".txt"".") End If End While Label1.Visible = True TopMost = False Splash_Screen.Show() Hide() Splash_Screen.Activate() If = "Copy" Then My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile(FileToOpen, My.Settings.WorkingDirectory & FileToOpenFile) If RememberCheckbox.Checked Then My.Settings.DefaultFileAction = 2 Else My.Computer.FileSystem.MoveFile(FileToOpen, My.Settings.WorkingDirectory & FileToOpenFile) If RememberCheckbox.Checked Then My.Settings.DefaultFileAction = 3 End If FileToOpen = FileToOpenPath & FileToOpenFile Case Else Throw New Exception("Unable to parse response!") 'if this happens, your computer is not in a very reliable state. either that, or i'm a moron. End Select Refresh() My.Settings.Save() CopyButton.Enabled = False MoveButton.Enabled = False SetDirectoryButton.Enabled = False RememberCheckbox.Enabled = False NPUWindow.Show() End Sub Private Sub Cancel() Handles CancelOpenButton.Click End End Sub Private Sub Open_Passed_File_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Icon = ProgramIcon() Splash_Screen.TopMost = False Activate() If Not My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(FileToOpen) Then If MsgBox("Failed to open file. Ensure Notepad Ultra has the rights to open this file!", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, vbOKOnly) <> 99999 Then End End If If GetPath(FileToOpen).ToLower = My.Settings.WorkingDirectory.ToLower Then HowToOpenQuestion.Text = "Notepad Ultra - Opening " & FileToOpen & "..." SetDirectoryButton.PerformClick() 'if you're opening a file that's already in the basedir, there's obviously no point moving or copying it Else If My.Settings.DefaultFileAction <> 0 Then HowToOpenQuestion.Text = "Notepad Ultra - Opening " & FileToOpen & "..." Refresh() Select Case My.Settings.DefaultFileAction Case 1 SetDirectoryButton.PerformClick() Case 2 CopyButton.PerformClick() Case 3 MoveButton.PerformClick() End Select Else Text = "Notepad Ultra - Opening " & FileToOpen HowToOpenQuestion.Text = "How do you want to open " & FileToOpen & "?" ToolTip1.SetToolTip(HoverMe, My.Settings.WorkingDirectory) If Not My.Computer.FileSystem.DirectoryExists(My.Settings.WorkingDirectory) Then CopyButton.Enabled = False MoveButton.Enabled = False ToolTip1.SetToolTip(HoverMe, My.Settings.WorkingDirectory & vbNewLine & "Unable to access this directory.") End If End If End If End Sub Private Sub Button1_Click_1(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Process.Start("C:\Windows\notepad.exe", FileToOpen) End End Sub End Class